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征稿启事 | 2022年“新汉学计划”博士生文化与汉学专题工作坊


2022 CSP Workshop onCulture and Sinologyfor Ph.D. Students

征 稿 启 事

Call for Papers






Center for Studies of Traditional Chinese Culture, Wuhan University

School of International Education, Wuhan University

Center for Language Education and Cooperation

01 工作坊主题

Theme of the Workshop


Translation and Study: The Global Travel of Chinese Cultural Classics


The oversea dissemination of Chinese cultural classics, is one of the important contents of the “going-out” of Chinese culture, which, historically, can be divided into two aspects: Firstly, the direct exportation of Chinese cultural classics through the Book Road (which means original Chinese books were brought abroad, directly learned and studied by foreigners), these books finally become Chinese books in the cultural context of foreign countries, and are regarded as important contents constituting the development of the target country’s culture. The formation of sinosphere in pre-modern East Asia is an important manifestation of the Book Road, while the study of traditional Chinese culture in East Asian countries after the modern period is generally regarded as part of the World Sinology Studyies. Secondly, the missionaries who came to China in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, while importing Western knowledge into China, also brought the classics of Chinese culture to the West in various methods, by translating Chinese writings into Western languages, they promoted the spread of Chinese culture in Europe and gradually to the rest of the world. Since the Spanish missionary Fray Juan Cobo’s translation of Ming Xin Bao Jian (edited by Fan Liben in the early Ming Dynasty and published in the 26th year of the Hongwu era) at the end of 16th century, an increasing number of Chinese cultural classics were translated into Western languages, attracting more and more foreign scholars to pay attention to Chinese culture, and then formed an important branch of the world academic system - Sinology. This workshop will focus on the classics of Chinese culture from the perspective of the global sinology studies, covering everything from the translations of the classics and studies on them.


Ph.D. students from home and abroad who are interested in this theme are welcome to submit a paper focusing on, but not limited to the following topics:

· 中国文化经典外译Translations of Chinese cultural classics

· 中国文化经典的世界传播Global Spread of Chinese cultural classics

· 中国文化经典与世界文明发展 Chinese Cultural Classics and Development of World Civilization

· 海外汉学中的中国文化经典研究The Study of Chinese Cultural Classics in Sinology Overseas


02 工作坊形式与时间

Format and Time of the Workshop




Format: The workshop will be held in a combination of online and offline forms(the specific arrangement depends on the epidemic situation). It includes but is not limited to the following sessions:

- Sharing and discussion of excellent academic papers.

- Well-known experts, scholars and journal editors in related fields at home and abroad participating in discussions, sharing and comments.




Time: December 16th-18th,2022.

Location:(offline)- at the Center for Studies of Traditional Chinese Culture, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei province, China. The specific arrangement on the venues both online and offline will be announced in a subsequent notice.

Notice on fees: No fees will be charged for the conference participants. Free lunch will be provided for the on-site participants, while the round-trip transportation and accommodation expenses should be paid by participants themselves.

03 评选说明

Information on Evaluation

本次工作坊将邀请相关领域的专家组成学术委员会,对投稿文章进行双向匿名评审,现场给予点评意见,并最后选拔 6 篇优秀论文,颁发获奖证书。此外,您可以获得

· 专业的指导

· 文章被收录论文集的机会

· 文章被推荐发表的机会

Experts and scholars in related fields will be invited to conduct a two-way anonymous review of submitted articles, give comments on the spot, and finally select 6 outstanding papers and issue award certificates. In addition, you can get

- Professional guidance on your articles.

- The opportunity for your articles to be included in Proceedings.

- The opportunity for your articles to be recommended for publication.

04 工作坊投稿要求

Requirements on the Articles





The workshop accepts unpublished and original articles. The first author should be a doctoral student. If the article is co-authored, approval of other authors must be obtained before submission. Articles should be written in Chinese with no more than 25,000 words (excluding footnotes), and the content should be related to the theme of this workshop.

For format requirements, please refer to the submission guidelines of “HISTORICAL RESEARCH”.

Articles are required to be submitted as an attachment in Pdf or Word document format via the email (ricyjs@ whu.edu.cn).

The file should be named as "title + name + major + contact information". The deadline for submission is 10 November, 2022. Successful submission will be announced on 30 November, 2022.

05 联系方式

Contact Information


If there is any difficulty in submitting your article or any question related to the workshop, please contact
